Release News

Joomla 5.0 and Joomla 4.4 are here!

Let’s celebrate! Today is an important day for the Joomla! Project. We’re celebrating two years of hard work by our volunteers, who had the vision to produce a new major version every two years, and after all the discussion, code sprints, and bug squashing, the day has finally arrived. Today, we are proud to announce the release of our new major version, Joomla 5.0, alongside Joomla 4.4,

What is Joomla 5?

Joomla 5 is a major version. We’re bringing plenty of new features, security and code improvements and increased speed with those improvements. Everything under the hood has been redesigned, rethought and refactored to make use of the latest server languages.

Most importantly, Joomla 5.0 is built for you to grow with you and your business. One of the most significant changes you may notice is that we are not calling Joomla 4.4.x to Joomla 5.x a migration but an Upgrade.

Whether you’re an individual, blogger, charity, web agency or multinational, Joomla is a great choice for you!

Want to know how Joomla 5 will benefit you? Visit

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